Doodle Watercolor Sky

Wondrous Wanda

The Three-Legged Goat

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green hill mountain grass landscape
Watercolor Grass
Watercolor Green Grass
Watercolor Grass
Watercolor Green Grass
Watercolor Grass
Watercolor Grass
Watercolor Grass
Watercolor Grass

written & illustrated by

Caroline Johnson Strickland

Doodle Watercolor Sky

Who is Wondrous Wanda?

Wondrous Wanda is a real goat who lives in North Carolina on a farm with all of her animal friends including horses, dogs, cats and 3 other goats. One day, Wanda had an accident that caused her to break her leg. The marvelous veterinarians at North Carolina State University - College of Veterinary Medicine helped her family to make the decision to give Wanda a happy and healthy life by amputating her broken leg after surgery to repair it was unsuccessful. Thus, giving us Wondrous Wanda, the three-legged goat. Wanda has taken this life changing event in stride and hasn't let having only three legs stop her from life's many adventures!

Doodle Watercolor Sky
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toddler in silhouette

Reading Age

Toddler - 12 years



Publication Year


Join Wondrous Wanda the three-legged goat as she plays on the farm and teaches friends along her journey about the importance of kindness despite hardships and differences!

Doodle Watercolor Sky

About the Author

Caroline J. Strickland

An avid equestrian and animal lover, Caroline was born and raised in North Carolina and graduated from North Carolina State University. Caroline and her husband, live on a family farm caring for their horses, dogs, cats, goats and garden. Between all of the animals and the adventures they go on, there is certainly always something to do and smile about!

Doodle Watercolor Sky

Dedicated to the North Carolina State University - College of Veterinary Medicine for providing excellent care and options for our beloved Wanda.

©2023, Distant Pines Stable

All Rights Reserved.